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Whatsapp to show ads in the status section soon.

Whatsapp to show ads in the status section Soon!
Whatsapp to show ads in the status section soon. - marketist - marketing guruHey freebie? 

Every business wants to earn from their services, rumor has become true that now Whatsapp will show ads.

There were 2 statements;

  • Company will follow monetization model to increase revenue.
  • Even some people wandered why company is not monetizing the apps although they can earn handsome amount of money.

Company following the 2nd statement has stated that now app will be monetized to  make some $$s.

Ads will run on the status section where users put their daily stories. There will be specific number of posts after that an ad will be shown.

This was confirmed by the VP (Vice President) Whatsapp;

We are going to be putting ads in ‘Status’. That is going to be the primary monetization model for the company as well as an opportunity for businesses to reach people on WhatsApp.

If you remember, facebook before acquisition of whatsapp, users had to pay $ 1 yearly to use whatsapp, some how it was free for one year, yet it was free afterwards. It led boom in users.

Now App has great number of users, Facebook have been working to monetize the app and make some dollars, following were some ideas;

  • Ads to be shown in status option.
  • Charging some $ after specific number of communications.
  • Last selling analytics

Now finally company has agreed to stick to option 1.

Another rumor is already spread out that company will launch this monetization in next year in 1st half.

Will this effect the users?

Ads are no more than frustration for users as this seems awkward when you are watching some important update and suddently an ad pops up.

Why this?
  • Facebook needs to make some money.
  • Businesses will have more options to cater the end customer.
Will there any way to ignore this?

Well, this is some thing worth waiting.

Is whatsapp going to launch paid model of whatsapp for users? Or will it remain free but with ads?

This is going to be great opportunity for other companies to pop in the market with free communication app, competitive and user friendly as whatsapp.

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