
Likho (Write to Us)

Email: [email protected] welcomes all the content writers who wish to write but they cannot find proper channel. We are offering amazing rewards to the writers.

What can you write about on our platform?

Anything you are good at, you wish to write about or topics given on our website.

What are the rewards?

Well as we are in launch phase and started like few days ago, we are offering following things at the moment;

  • Your name as writer in the blog.
  • Your Facebook/Instagram (Or any other Social Media) link in the blog.
  • We will create list of writers on our website with your image/profile.
  • We will welcome you as guest in our upcoming channel (Youtube) launch. #SubscribeHere
  • Of course we will pay you once we start earning, till then we hope that you will help us giving hand to make global and famous.
  • Once your post reaches at 10K views there will be surprise gift for you. You can ask us the update whether it has reached 10K views anytime.
  • Please tell what else you wish from us in email while writing a blog.

What should you be careful about as writer?

  • Respect others content, always give credits.
  • Do not COPY/Paste from any medium. Don’t.
  • GOD has made you original why not be original and write your own thing/content.

Process of getting your blog published on our website?

  • Write to us by sending an email at: [email protected]
  • Please mention Subject of the topic you want to write.
  • Word format is an amazing format for writers, please send your content in word form in MS Word.
  • Once you send, our team analyses content whether it is taken from anywhere or is it original content like you are original.
  • Once it is verified, your post/blog/article will be published and our team will let you know the link via email.

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Terms and Conditions:
  • Once post is published you cannot publish at any other platform as it will create copyright issues.
  • Our team can make changes before publishing.
  • You cannot complain about that we have forcefully asked you to write as this will harm our website in online community.
  • Terms and conditions can be changed at anytime without any prior notice.

Happy Writing.