How to secure your credit card or debit card?
Security of your account balance and your privacy is the biggest concern of recent times. Every day 100s of people are being hacked.
Recent example of hacking is recent security breach in Bank Islami in Pakistan where millions of Rupees were withdrawn from account holders.
Here are following measures to take to secure your credit or debit card.
Contact Info;
Nowadays your updated contact information can save you from many things. Contact details include;
- Your contact number
- Email ID
- Address
Please keep update above info with your bank on regular basis. This is for your own security, if any suspicions activity occur, bank will be able to reach you easily.
Regular check up on your account;
You need to continuously check your account details which may include;
- Transaction history
- Account balance
This will keep you updated that there is no such activity taking place on your account.
Regular updates;
If you are a debit/credit card holder, you need to change your pass codes on regular basis so that if anyone by any chance gets your pass code could not access your account.
Even state bank instructs to change the passwords every month, if not month at least once in 2 months.
Limited international transaction;
Make sure that you restrict your cards for international transactions, even if you want to do any just remove the restriction for some time, once transaction is done then revert to restriction.
I would say do not do any transaction if you have a single doubt in that transaction. There are many forums which are not secure for any activity, so only try trusted sources, do not try new things which could possibly effect your data protection.
Always ask your bank to subscribe to notification, so that if any transaction is done, you should receive email/text so that reporting could be easier.
Report any doubtful activity;
I must say to be at safe side you must put bank’s number on speed dial and always have some balance to call on urgent basis. Always report any suspicious thing, do not just say this is fine. This is not fine, trust me it is not.
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