Sukkur to Hyderabad Motorway

Sukkur to Hyderabad Motorway approved by Government

Sukkur to Hyderabad Motorway approved by Government recently with investment of Rs. 182 billions.

As per the news this will be 50 billion cheaper than the same motorway contructed under CPEC.

How long will be Sukkur to Hyderabad motorway?

Expected route of the motorway will be 306 kilometers. Each KM will have 6 lanes and will cost around 596.4 million rupees. It would cost 760 million if it was constructed under CPEC.

Are you ready to roam around with 140 speed on the motorway?

My question as traveler is how much time will be reduced once it is started and how much time it will take for completion?

Well it is good to connect with speedy roads. Thank you.

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