Pak Suzuki offers free registration on Alto 660 CC

Pak Suzuki offers free registration on Alto 660 CC

Pak Suzuki offers free registration on Alto 660 CC. This is a limited time offer for all the loyal customers of Suzuki.

Now you can get further discounts on top selling car of 2019 of Suzuki Alto 660 CC.

For the past few years it has been a challenge for auto industry to make record sales so that is why they started offering limited time discount offers.

This is not the first time Pak Suzuki offers free registration on Alto 660 CC.

Previously Toyata offered special discounts for GLi and XLi, following the trend Suzuki offered same for Wagon R models. After quite a success of free registration on Wagon R they decided to move the offer to latest launched model Alto 660 CC.

Toyota offered to sell out from their inventory, Suzuki offered on Wagon R was also the same reason because sales was decreasing.

Limited Time offer:

It is not lifetime offer but this offer is limited for the month of March only.

Pak Suzuki offers free registration on Alto 660 CC

Why company offered this discount;

As per company officials they announced to celebrate the successful sales of the Alto in 2019. 29000 + units have been sold in less than a year after it’s launch.

It is one of its kind offer, Celebrations.

Is Honda offering anything?

Well when we talk auto Honda is one brand we always discuss, answer to question is;

Yes Honda is offering same for Honda City and BR-V. FREE Registration.

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