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New year resolution by Nestle Fruita Vitals – ad review

New year resolution by Nestle Fruita Vitals!

New year resolution by Nestle Fruita Vitals - marketist - advettist - marketing guru

New year is not only about fireworks and 1 night part but it is a new beginning with emotions and feelings inside.

This day reminds us what we have achieved in this passing year and time to decide what to achive in this upcoming year. You may be shocked to know that it is always about self, have you ever given thought about any1 else? I am sure No!

Why not make 2019 remarkable for others? What if we made this year 2019 more for others less for self?

Well Nestle Fruita Vitals has made a tremendous and heart touching story. This will surely make you think once for others.

This video is inspiring the audience to make things happen for the people around them.

This ad shows how can we make positive difference and think beyond me. A simple gesture make the world a beautiful place for someone, so why not take a moment and cherish it with the one who deserves attention and happiness.

Ad review?

  • Catchy and easy to remember
  • Lesson Learnt
  • Beautifully carried out
  • Fit story
  • Cheers to Nestle Fruita Vital
  • 10/10

Following are some resolutions I sugegst you to make, trust me 1 act of kindness will cost you nothing more than 10-15 minutes of your life.

  • Smile and hug to the guard at the entrance of your office, school college?
  • Why not sit with the poor and eat with them Once?
  • A little surprise for the less privileged?
  • A selfie with the challiwala/chanewla/andewala?
  • Why not travel in local and have gup shup with conductor?
  • Why not a round of applause for newbie or junior?
  • Why not 1 hang out with the introvert at college/uni?
  • Why not make 1 video and make it viral which could change someone’s life?

These resolutions are not asking you to spend money or any big effort. For you they may be small or easy to do but for people it is life changing experience.

Read more about ad review here.

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