Hand shakes, hugs and Bio metric attendance stopped in Islamabad. Due to increase in cases of Corona virus, Islamabad has taken precautionary step to stop greeting with handshakes and hugs rather say Salam and go on.

Hand shakes, hugs and Bio metric attendance stopped in Islamabad

Hand shakes, hugs and Bio metric attendance stopped in Islamabad. Due to increase in cases of Corona virus, Islamabad has taken precautionary step to stop greeting with handshakes and hugs rather say Salam and go on.

Also attendance shifted to manual rather than Bio metric as any one could transfer virus via machine.

This ban initiated by Islamabad administration. Further more they also suggested all the residents to avoid going in crowded places, be it malls, shops, offices and large social gatherings.

Also face mask, gloves and hand sanatizer are recommended to use regularly.

As we all know there is still no cure to this virus so we all have to take precautionary measures to defeat it.

Here is the major things happening in Islamabad,

  • PIMS steps backward to manual attendance
  • Government to deploy psychologists at airport
  • Breaking: Secretary health has been replaced

PIMS steps backward to manual attendance:

PIMS is one of the busiest hospital in the city, management has asked the workers to use manual attendance till further notice.

It will be head of the department to manage the attendance on regular basis, also they are responsible to ensure the availability of masks and gloves for the workers in their department.

Sanitizer and washing hands regularly is mandatory in all departments of the hospital.

Government to deploy psychologists at airport:

Why psychologists?

Government has assigned psychologists to make sure they inform the passengers about the spreading of the virus.

As per the recent update, 500+ cases have been suspected, out of which 5 were tested positive.

Breaking: Secretary health has been replaced:

Other breaking news from health department is that:

Dr Allah Baksh Malik has been relieved from BS 21) charge of secretary and Mr Dr. Tauqeer Hussain has been appointed as in charge additional health secretary.

via: propakistani

While our government is trying their best for us, we should appreciate it and help them by cooperating.

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