How to make the most out of Ramazan 2020?

How to make the most out of Ramazan 2020?

Being Muslim you may be doing loads of things which you are not suppose to do for example Netflix.

I am going to list down the things you need to do to spend your time this Ramazan 2020. Like in previous Ramazans we cannot go to family gatherings or iftar at friend’s house due to pandemic and locked down situation.

While sitting at home and apart from watching movies you can do following things;

  • Recite Holy Quran with meaning.
  • Offer 7 times Prayers
  • Learn Islam and teach to your children.
  • Do remote charity to the needy.
  • Cook with your mother or wife.

Recite Holy Quran with meaning:

We have been practicing reading the Holy Quran in Arabic which majority of us do not understand a single word.

We do tilawat in Arabic but as you are in your homes and you have lots of time so you can read it in your own language eg: English, Urdu Sindhi or any language you understand.

I have asked few people who are in to Islam whether reading Quran in Arabic is better or the language I understand?

The only answer I get is that ultimate goal of reading Quran is to understand it, remember it, teach our children.

We can only do this if we read it in our own language.

Quran for Urdu Speakers - by memrise.urdu.quran - Memrise

Offer 7 times Prayers:

I know now you will say Farz is 5 times why offer 7 times?

Well 5 times is farz I know, how can it be 7 times, let me share;

  1. Fajar
  2. Zuhur
  3. Asar
  4. Maghrib
  5. Isha
  6. Ishraq (In morning)
  7. Tahajud Namaz in night.

Aren’t you awake whole night till Sehri why not offer Tahajud Namaz and offer Ishraq in the morning.

Praying for Non-Muslims: An Islamic Perspective - IslamiCity

As we all know we are going through hard times of our lives so offer these additional Namaz to bring the blessings of Allah on earth.

Learn Islam and teach to your children:

I know many children are not going to Schools and Madarsas. So why not grab Islamic book and teach it to your children.

Raising Strong Children/Future Generation — LEARN ISLAM

This way you will clear many concepts as it has been while you read those.

Do remote charity to the needy:

Do charity only if you can. Help people do sehris and iftaris by helping them financially, help them to buy eid clothes as most of poor people get a chance to wear new clothes.

Charity During Ramadan | Payfort Blog

Cook with your mother or wife:

Why sleep all day and wake up in iftari when you mother or wife has cooked it all. Why not give some time to them and help them try new recipes and juices at home?

Cooking at Home -

At the end we request you to follow How To on Our blog and like Us FB.

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