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Earn online and market it to make potential customers to loyal ones?

Earn Online the Marketist’s way. Here is another 1 for all the potential business tycoons and people who are struggling in their initial business stage.

There are many people who are earning on daily basis and earning handsome amount in dollars. Why not you start your own and grab some to fill up your and your girl friend’s pocket. Just Kidding!

So here I will tell you 5 easiest way to start online and earn. If you think this article will let you get rich in 1 night then you are wrong because money does not grow in tress, you have to earn it. So 1st of all is to focus on your strengths and have some patience.

Note: These ways are not to make you rich, do not leave your jobs for these, these all are secondary or miscellaneous income.


Earn Online via Sell your things online.

Do you own anything which is quite useless for you and it is in some corner of the house waiting to wasted? Do you have anything you wish to replace with the new one? Yes you must have that 1 1 thing, jus grab it and sell it, purchase something, sell it and earn profit, reinvest that profit and yes 1 day you will be dealing in millions.

You can also sell the products available on different online stores and make money via commission.

How to sell those things?

Facebook and other social media has made the Selling thing online very easy, all you have to do is take a picture of your product and upload it on facebook’s page and keep sharing it on different groups and tagging your friends and family. You can also sell on amazonebaydarazshopify etc.


Earn from youtube

Hey did I say youtube? yes I did, you heard it right. Some youtube stars are dependant in youtube and they have the only source of income.

Are you a comedian? A teacher? or have some unique skills. Just make a video and upload it on youtube share on different forums.


This one is very simple, as per current policy of google you need to have 10000 views then you will be eligible to earn via adsense.


Teach online

If your are good at teaching others what you got, this is for you. Teaching is greatest profession which helps other in development.


You can enroll yourself as teacher/lecturer in few websites, make video tutorials and post on the websites, your earning will depend on how many students get enrolled in your course.

CourseraEDXKhan Academy are few famous.



Are you a writer? or know anyone who could write for you for free? This is for you.


You can start a simple blog on or and earn through google adsense, infolinks, advertising and many other paying machines.

Write good content

> Market your web/blog

> Get the readers/viewers

> Earn good amount of money.

Examples for this in Pakistan; propakistani.pkparhlomangobaaz etc.


Doing Nothing and earn millions.

This is the greatest way to earn money online ever, this is very famous and people get rich in seconds without any hard work. They just sleep watch movies, travel, discos, JUST chill.


How to get this far? It is very simple, you just sleep and have dreams because this all happens in DREAMS. :p

Follow Parhley for more.

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