1 hota ha ad. Phr hota hai ganda ad. Phir Marketing waley hadd e kr dete hain. aesa e 1 ad dekha maine aj, jis ka review to banta hai Boss. Maza – ab ayega maza
Maza – ab ayega maza – Lets watch this ad first,
Tell me, did you enjoy the story? or Did you just feel;
What did I just watch on planet earth?
Why on this holy earth people make such ads?
This ad is as useless as Eye-to-Eye or dhinchak pooja. damm! (PS: dhinchak pooja’s selfie and scooter was, ohh shut up! “inner me said this”.)
Last time I checked there were 1000s of marketing people were reported into hospital after watching this ad with disease named I don’t know. Can you name it for me?
Here is following thoughts I had after watching this ad;
- When this guy opens up with sharing his qeemti lamha (Worthy moment) which is supposed to be today. It seemed like this is some ad of energy drink.
- Then He shares his emotional story of his brother, it felt like no no it is not energy drink, it is some family thing may be some sweets which brings families togather.
- Then it shows some intikam (revenge) thing, he does exercise and all that, now here I thought damm he is going to beat this guy. but sad.. it ended sad..
- Now some wired voice came in, maza aya? (Did you enjoy?)
Let me share some comments people shared on Facebook;
Now Dear Team,
I hope you better work on your marketing ideas, if you need any you know where to reach me.
PS: Please accept the feedback and do not go mad about it. I write what I see.
Official website of Maza: https://maaza.com/
Well on the other note, click this link if you wanna read ad reviews.