Shop rents in Pakistan is higher than US

Did you know shop rents in Pakistan is higher than US?

Shop rents in Pakistan is higher than US!

Shops rents in Pakistan is higher than US is one great reason our business community fails to grow. The known brand can afford easy as they have greater budget but it is far difficult for guys like who wants to start business but due to high rents I prefer to go online.

I was reading this post on propakistani that Mr. Alam Najiullah who is the current CEO of cotton and cotton said that greedy landlord in the big shopping malls charge more rent than rent collected in US.

In his interview with local news network he said he could rent 1000 sq ft shop in US in $5000 but in Pakistan He was asked to pay Rs. 850000. The only reason company preferred to go online (eCommerce) than proceeding with physical shop.

Well, I think this is not only the case in Pakistan but people are shifting to online (eCommerce) all over the world because it is lot more easier, cheaper and user friendly.

Have you ever visited any mall and asked shopkeeper why they are providing expensive stuff although that can be purchased on lower prices?

Here is most of them reply; Sir, we are paying rents in Lakhs, we have to cover our expenses as well.

Dear Pakistani government, It is request to take action against such Mafias who are looting us. This will not only create easiness for customers but more people will jump in business and we can pull out our economy to from deep down to up hill.

I understand that everyone has to do business but all should play it fair. I request all landlords to give an equal opportunity to all of us to do business and survive in business world.

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