is happiness, they say that they can find you house but people live in it make it home. Parents, grand parents, children, grand chldren are very important to every one, that is reason ‘s recent ad shows the love with the family and home.’s
recent ad has hit million views in few hours after it hit the internet. Ad contains the efforts of Pakistani famous actor Fawad Khan who is brand ambassador since last campaign of He plays top level executive and father’s role in ad, with beautiful lady Sana Javed acting his wife and Mr Asif Raza as the boss.
Lets see ad here and some feedback down there.
Fawad Khan makes an amazing presentation to become next CEO of the company but he goes home late and cannot celebrate son’s 1st position, where he sees drawings of his son. Next day his son’s calls and reminds him about the family and his birthday, Fawad Khan leaves office and presentation to his collegue and goes home with birthday cake. His son becomes happy and Fawad Khan realizes it is not just the home, it is people who live in it.
There they say:
We can help you find a house. But only you can make it home.
This ad defines the emotions and love for the family. What family needs is just not house built of bricks but also it needs love for people who live in it. It also tells the work – life balance.
Ad is the reason why’s official Facebook page was bombarded with likes, comments and shares. Lets see following feedback of people;
Pictures taken from:
At the end:
Priorities and commitments play key role in the families.
Hey? got any feedback please comment below and follow Parhley on Facebook.

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