Mere Pass Tum ho, is one trending Pakistani drama all over Pakistan and globally.
Recently in the episode Humayu Saeed (Danish) goes to Office of Adnan Siddiqi and slap him and asks about his son.
Story started from there and let’s see how Pakistanis have ended it with amazing memes.
We may be far behind the world in technology or economically but we are born talented in arts.
We have found the below memes from different social media;
1. In This Adnan Siddqui has recorded a small video off the records of drama. He and Humayu records slap scene in a funny way.
2. Now this one is amazingly awesome, as it has been recorded with next level. The guy who made this had gathered lots of content and compiled in a very funny way.
Sorry guys had to do dis 😂
Slap compilation Mere Pass Tum ho feat 👋🔥@iamhumayunsaeed @javerias @AamirLiaquat @hansbadvi @iamhamzaabbasi @PTI_ki_cheeti @innocentzartaj1 #MerePassTumHo #NBC#MerePaasTumHo #Ehd_e_wafa
— humaira khan ☄☄☄ (@humairakhan738) November 24, 2019
3. Now this never gets old in Pakistan, because there is always one friend who study well and get good marks but always say “Yar kuch parha e nai, bss pass hojao boht ha!”
4. Here is how the artist has portrayed the return of your ex
5. Now this one is epic, what will you tell your kids on this, here is how;
On the other hand, Humayu Saeed also thanked the audience on such appreciation on Mere Pass Tum ho. Here is official Tweet;
Thank you for all the love and appreciation! It kind of feels strange to ‘like’ or respond to all the excitement on someone being hit though. I have to admit credit goes to Adnan Siddiqui whose wonderful reaction to my action has made this sequence such a success