Labour Day, A holiday celebrated by everyone except labours.
1st may is practiced as labour day around the globe. We pay tribute to all hardworking labours. In respect to that we take off from our offices (private or government).
Here is an official notice of public holidays by Ministry of Interior, Pakistan.
On this day majority of people who is actual labor and on daily wages, they wake up and go to work like regulars, although it is their day but it is so unfortunate that they can not enjoy their day.
Many organizations work for labour in different way. I know of this 1 student based group Silver Liners Club, previously known as Care For Nation, which was initiated in COMSATS, Islamabad.
On this specific day, this group of students asks waiters to sit on the cafe benches and they serve them the lunch and give gift hampers, take pictures, give the labor a true confidence and make them proud.
This act is quite unique to dedicate this day to labor. As per their facebook page, this time they are making it bigger and better. If you want to contribute, reach out to them via their facebook page here.
Tell us in comments what are you doing to make labour’s day special for labours around you.
Here is some ideas on which you can work on to make this day remarkable and worthy;
Give off to your servents.
Serve your servents with food you make for yourself.
Give bonuses to your daily wage workers.
Why not arrange a big musical and charity event free for all the workers around you.
It is a request to governement of Pakistan and Prime Minister Imran Khan to announce bonuses for daily wage workers on this specific day.
Write your suggestions in comments.
Keep following parhley for more.
Note: pic was taken from propakistani.