InshaAllah has been added as word in German Dictionary

InshaAllah has been added as word in German Dictionary

InshaAllah has been added as word in German Dictionary. Originally إِنْ شَاءَ ٱللّٰهُ‎ is an arabic word which is most commonly used in present time.

It means “If Allah wills” or “Allah willing”.

It is used when someone asks other to do any task or job, the other person replies InshaAllah, which is kind of promise that the person will try to his or her best but everything is done as per will of Allah.

Coming back to german dictionary, Duden is very authentic and famous dictionary of germans. The word InshaAllah has been added in the dictionary.

The word has been shown in recent edition of virtual dictionary. They have spelled the word as “inschallah”. Although germans are not happy with the addition of the word as it may increase religious conflicts.

On the other hand news is that Duden also added turkish word “oha” which is used as expression of surprise or astonishment.

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