Developer used Pakistani train's photo in Indian Rail Police app.

Developer used Pakistani train’s photo in Indian Rail Police app.

Developer used Pakistani train’s photo in Indian Rail Police app.

Well we in neighborhood (Pakistan and India) keep copying things from each other but this developer put Pakistani train’s photo in the app to make app look better and more attractive.

Recently Indian Rail Police launched an app called Surakshit Safar which means safe journey, developer of the app put green train on the dashboard to give better look to the website.

Now good thing about the app is that it is specifically designed for Gujrat which is known as home state of Modi G.

Well, copying is good but picking same thing is not good! Mind it.

What is Surakshit Safar App?

In today’s digital world this app is great to report any suspicious activity on the go from your mobile. Passengers can report emergencies, complaints or any other bad thing happening around.

App was officially launched on February 29th, 2020.

What does the officials say about the mistake?

Here is what Gautam Parmar (DIG police, CID Crime) has to say;

In the process, he inadvertently used a photograph of a Pakistani train. Upon learning about it, we have asked the developer to remove it. It was an unintentional error.

Further on the news:

The images were deleted, once hype was created on social media.

Via Propakistani.

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